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Scenario Planning

Four  Key  Elements

in organisational scenario planning


Corporate Level Planning

High Level planning and execution from leadership
though effective communication and influence.




The most important asset of the organisation that
requires leaders to empower them.



Maximising shareholder value through long

and short term considerations when dealing

with organisation scenario planning.



The core activities of the organisation

such as  manufacturing, logistics, technology, marketing

and others that require relentless attention when

doing scenario planning.

Organisational  Scenario  Planning


Scenario Planning cannot kick start without a thorough understanding of the key drivers of the organisation. At a broad level, Strategy, Human Capital, Delivery and Value are the four key elements of the business that forms the core of organisation.  With the core activities in mind, scenario planning can then be made relevant to the critical components of the business, so that the main objectives  of scenario planning below are met:


1.Foster useful strategic conversations between key executives & managers

2.Overturn biasness and not “Taking current situation for granted”

3.Enhance responsiveness to potential challenges

4.Build deep understanding of all business drivers

5.Pause, Think and Combat excessive optimism

6.Generate and assess innovative options

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